Dr. Rashida Ismaili AbuBakr is a writer of short stories, plays and poetry. She is widely anthologized and has four collections of poems. Her plays have been performed internationally as well as national. Rashida reads her poetry solo and with musical instrumentation. Much of what she read with musical accompaniment is to the jazz of the late 1950’s, 60’s, up until the 1990’s. Originally from West Africa, Dr. AbuBakr has taught French and English Speaking African Writers, Literature of the African Diaspora. She was a part of the Black Arts Movement of the 60’s in New York. She is an art and culture critic and has published essays on Langston Hughes and Mariama Ba.
During 2005 I produced a video of Rashida reading from her collection of poems, “Magic Music.” This video consisted of Rashida reading several of her poems with musical accompaniment and photos, some by the photographer, Shawn Walker. In the selection above Rashida reads "Ode to an Old Piano," her dedication to Bud Powell.
Ray Grist

Brenda Colling
I asked Brenda what she did, when we met the first time. She said, “Anything with fabric.” “So . . . what’s that? What d’ya mean – anything with fabric?” That’s what she meant. Brenda does anything with fabric – from baby stroller coverings, movie sets, suits for men and women, re-weaving Kasmiri carpets, and especially wall hangings. Anything with fabric.

Quoting Brenda, “My current works are translucent, reversible panels of silk organza. Using a combination of techniques: stitching, burning and folding, I layer and overlap the fabrics, building patterns with light and shadow.
Transparency in design is the theme. How fabric filters and diffuses light inspires my ongoing exploration.
Inspiration for these pieces includes Korean wrapping cloths and Japanese stencils.”

For more information contact brendacolling@earthlink.net.